Wholesale Catalog!

Check out our new E-Commerce site!

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Birch Fabrics Has a New E-Commerce Site! 3.28.13

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We are so excited to announce the launch of our new Birch Fabrics website! We are now able to offer online ordering to our wholesale customers!

Please simply login here using your email address. If your account information has already been entered you will just need to enter your email address to generate a new password.

If your account does not come up, please visit this link and you will be directed to set up your wholesale account so that you can now place orders online. Please let us know if you need any help with this by emailing [email protected].

New accounts please fill out our wholesale application here. You will receive a reply within 48 hours to let you know the additional forms that we need to finalize and approve your account for online ordering.

We look forward to hearing what you think about the new site!

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