We are just so thrilled to finally have our website up and finished. It’s a little bit more polished and user friendly than our older site. You can quickly view products and ship dates, and skus! If you already have an account with us, it’s super easy to login. Follow these instructions here for getting your account back up and running.
Here’s just a really quick tour through our website pages. We urge you to have a look around and familiarize yourself with our new site and it’s features. Have fun!
#1. Here’s our new homepage with quick reference photographs to the newest and latest of happenings here at Birch Fabrics!
#2. Collection page. Here is a snapshot of our coming soon page. You can see that each collection clearly marks the expected arrival date. Click on any of the collections pictured and you’ll be taken to Screen #3 below. *Our “available now”, and “archive” pages are formatted the same way.
#3. Substrate page. Here you will find a short description of the collection and you’ll find buttons for it’s available substrates. Click any of the buttons to find the available prints in that particular substrate. You also notice that most collections have a “view pdf” button in the top right, just above the banner. This is a quick way to view the entire group with it’s substrate skus in one easy pdf form. Or save the form on your desktop for a quick reference later or to share with partners. Our pdfs our formatted for and can be printed out at a printer at large scale if necessary. Please email us for more information if this is something you’d like to know more about.
#4. Product Page. Once you land on our product page you can easily add products to your cart from this page. You’ll notice that the availability status is noted in red. Here you’ll be able to quickly see if any products are out of stock or their backorder dates before investing too much of your time.
#5. Tutorials and Free Patterns. If you hover over “available now” in the top menu bar, you notice another submenu will appear, from here you can access our “Original Tutorials and Free Patterns” page. *Please bear with us as we are currently uploading more projects from our project archive. If you wish to access any and all of our free patterns and tutorials. You can still do so from our old blogger home here.
#6. Footer. This is our footer, which exists at the bottom of every single page on our website. You’ll notice that our Instagram feed permanently resides here, so you can always see what’s the newest of the new. Here at the footer you can also access more information like our FAQ, or our Shipping/Returns Policy. You can even view our entire catalogue by clicking the button “Download Our Full Catalogue”, this will open a pdf file in a new tab.
#7. Header. Here at the header you can quickly access all sorts of information. In the top right corner you can access your cart, your wishlist, and your account. You can easily stay in touch with us on our various social media outlets. And you can quickly search our site. You can even find out more about organic cotton and why it’s so important to choose organic when you can. From our main menu, you can quickly access more information like our blog, or more information on our designers. New accounts can submit their account forms through the “Wholesale” link. *Please stay tuned as we are still working on updating our stockists page in the very near future.
We hope you got to know our site a little better with this little walk through. Our best advice is to search around yourself, and get a look at all the different nooks and crannies of our new home!
The Birch Fabrics Team