Free PDF Pattern | Knit Shorts for Kids | by The Crafty Kitty

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Hi all, if you’re a faithful reader of the Birch Blog, then you are familiar with Stephanie of The Crafty Kitty and her ongoing AMAZING guest posts!  Stephanie is practically part of our Birch family at this point, and today we’re just as excited as ever to introduce her newest pattern for Birch Fabrics!  Check out the free pattern for these Kid’s Knit Shorts!  

Using fun modern prints, combined with detailed top stitching, helps these unisex shorts, to keep your child cool, comfortable and stylish, whilst they run around enjoying the summer! They are pretty quick to sew up so you could even manage to squeeze in an entry for Shorts on the Line before the end of the month!


*Pattern includes assembly diagram, supplies and measurements tables for different sizes as well as layers options to ‘turn off’ the sizes you don’t need.


  • Pre-wash/shrink your fabrics.
  • Print and assemble your pdf pattern
  • Cut out required size from fabric

Unless stated otherwise, seam allowances are 1/2″ and seams should be sewn together using either an overlocker, or with a regular sewing machine using: overlock stitch, stretch stitch or narrow zig zag stitch. Topstitching should be done using a double needle if possible or a stretch stitch/narrow zigzag sitch.


Step 1
Sew pocket facing RSF to shorts front.

Step 2
Press pocket facing to wrong side of shorts front and top stitch using 2 parallel lines of stitching/double needle

Step 3
Finish the curved edge of the side piece.

Step 4
Line up the edges of the side piece with the pocket, and stitch in place.

Step 5
Line up the assembled pocket with the pocket facing (RSF) and overlock the outside edge.

Step 6
Baste the pocket in place along the waist and side seam and top stitch along the finished edge of the pocket. Repeat for other pocket.

Step 7
Place back of shorts RSF and sew centre back seam. Press to one side.

Step 8
Place front of shorts RSF and sew centre front seam. Sew around raw edges of fly facing, press to right or left and then top stitch in place.

Step 9
Place shorts front and back RSF, with centre seams aligned sew inside leg seam and side seams.

Step 10
Cut elastic to your child’s waist measurement (minus 2″) and stitch together by abutting the raw ends and using an elastic stitch to join.

Step 11
Pin elastic to waist of shorts and then Sew in place.

Step 12
Press Waistband to wrong side of shorts and top stitch in place.

Step 13

Overlock raw edges of cuff, press 1/2″ to wrong side of fabric and top stitch in place.

Thanks so much for having a look at our newest PDF pattern in collaboration with The Crafty Kitty! Please feel free to share your project and tag us on instagram @birchfabrics!  

The Birch Fabrics Crew
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